The website for Asia Scholars and Asia Studies in Europe

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Double Degree in Critical Heritage Studies of Asia and Europe

Over the last few years, IIAS has been intensively engaged with the Leiden University Institute for Area Studies (LIAS) and targeted Asian partners in the development of a special master’s (and PhD) track in the field of ‘Critical Heritage Studies’. The uniqueness of this initiative is that the MA in Leiden will be combined with a parallel set of courses at a number of Asian universities, allowing for the students to obtain a double degree at the end of their training.


Grado en Estudios de Asia y África

¿Por qué un Grado en Estudios de Asia y África?

  • Asia y África constituyen dos zonas del mundo en clara emergencia en el nuevo contexto de la globalización.
  • En Asia y África conviven lenguas, sociedades y culturas dispares de creciente protagonismo geopolítico, económico y cultural.
  • Es preciso responder a la demanda de un mayor conocimiento de las regiones de Asia Oriental y árabe e islámica desde una perspectiva de saberes y cooperación multidisciplinares.

¿Para qué un Grado en Estudios de Asia y África?


    In-house training for companies and professionals

    Casa Asia offers a new training service adapted to all those companies and professionals who need to do business with and in the Asia-Pacific region, the most dynamic market and the area of ​​greatest influence and global economic growth. For this reason, more and more companies are incorporating Asian markets into their internationalization strategies.


    Máster en Estudios de Asia Oriental

    Actualmente se está preparando un Máster en Estudios de Asia Oriental, el cual no se oferta todavía. El máster se está programando para ser implementado en los próximos años. A continuación se muestran algunas características del máster. Todo lo que aquí se muestra no es información definitiva y es totalmente susceptible de cambio.


    Master of Science in Asian Studies

    We offer a unique programme in Asian Studies. The programme is interdisciplinary and aims to provide you with advanced knowledge on contemporary issues in Asia together with the analytical and methodological skills to assess social, economic and political developments in the region. The programme permits you to specialise based on your regional, thematic, and disciplinary focus and to critically examine and discuss issues within the field of East and South-East Asia and South Asia.


    PhD Programme in Asian Studies (4 years)

    The Department of Asian Studies at Palacký University Olomouc offers a PhD programme in Asian Studies (in English as well as in Czech) to students of humanities and social sciences specialising in Asia 


    Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias Humanas: Geografía, Antropología y Estudios de África y Asia

    Actualmente la UAM oferta un Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias Humanas: Geografía, Antropología y Estudios de África y Asia.
    Este programa consta de 20 plazas al año, sus líneas de investigación son:


    Summer School on Modern Asian Literatures and Cultures

    The 2019 summer school is dedicated to the modern Asian cultural record. For the purpose of this summer school, we include literature, film, music and art, focussing primarily on China, but the school also covers topics related to Indonesia, Japan, Korea and Vietnam. Leading experts from around the world will offer theoretical and comparative courses resonating with the school’s central theme: the tension between the local tradition and modernity.